Unit 4: New Energy Plan

How would becoming more energy efficient allow the U.S. to save power and resources?

The first thing to consider when looking at the energy sustainability crisis is where are you going to find the biggest efficiencies and generate more potential to capitalize on wasted energy? In the oil industry there are many ways to conserve resources as far as oil and plastic products and keeping them from entering the environment, never to be used by humanity again. another important area which could be improved for energy use and consumption are the coal, and nuclear industry. coal ash produces a lot of waste that is difficult to reprocess, and more often than not can be found polluting the environment never finding a use for society. Nuclear facilities generate numerous elements that are extremely dangerous in their most refined state, including potassium and tritium, causing a very environmentally critical situation. But not just the environment would benefit from the recycling of every possible wasted element in the process of daily living. We as humans would find the prices of various products going down due to less material being removed from the Earth, which is expensive.
A solar dependent house relies only on itself to sustain
electricity. What if the the entire world relied only on its
atmosphere to sustain electricity?
But what is the best way to effectively curb the inert dependence on natural resources to fuel our growth? Some say the sun would aid in electricity production. The solar panels required could simply be installed on top of everyones roofs and generate electricity for that home, the glass that goes into sky scrapers, and can probably be replaced, could be switched with solar power generating windows. Generating electricity for the entire building. But would it be possible to take even bigger steps to raise the dependence on solar? If something were developed that took of the space of individual molecules and could build up and transfer solar energy from the upper atmosphere just on the edge of space to generating facilities (either on the ground, or satellites) and being constantly exposed to the radiation energy emitted by the sun, a lot of power would be generated. There would be small particles, somehow conjoined and undetectable to the eye completely blanketing Earth, soaking up solar energy and transforming it into electricity by sending all of the energy to a single point which would be grounded, then moving the energy to a power facility that would allocate the electricity to the power infrastructure of the entire world. This idea would be very difficult to imagine and install, but it would generate more electricity because it would be constantly exposed to the sun and it would function almost like the ozone layer, which is being deteriorated. 
Atmospheric blankets generating solar power are going to need some developing and involve a lot of research, it sounds like a promising possibility though. For now solar panels will suffice the growing need for some form of alternative energy. 

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